- Only electronically submitted abstracts are accepted.
- Presenting Author should be member of any AMOGS/FOGSI Society.
- Presenting Author MUST be a registered delegate of AMOGS 2025 Conference.
- Each delegate will be allowed to present one paper OR poster.
- Each speaker will be allotted 8 minutes for presentation followed by 2 minutes of discussion.
- Presentation will be on a single LCD projector.
- Presenting Author: The contact details of the presenting author must be entered during online submission of the abstract. The conference secretariat will communicate with the presenting author through e-mail.
- Substitute Presenters: Presenters who are unable to attend the conference due to last minute emergency may nominate a substitute presenter who should be co-author of the paper and be registered for the conference.
- Abstract Format:
Title:Less than 20 words. Arial Font size 12, ALL CAPITALS
Body:Maximum of 300 words (excluding title) of plain text without diagrams, charts, footnotes or references, structured as follows: Introduction, Aims & Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. - Presentation Format: Presentations of reviewed and accepted abstracts will be either as oral, competitive or posters. When submitting an abstract online, the presenting author may request: Oral/ Poster only. Oral presentations should be on Microsoft PowerPoint. The presenting authors will receive detailed instructions about conference computing facilities, requirements and guidelines for posters prior to the conference.
- Publication Rights: By submitting an abstract, the authors give the right to the conference organizers to publish the abstract in souvenir or electronic form.
- Once you have clicked on “Submit” at the end of process, confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you entered at the abstract submission process. Please contact to secretariat at amogsabstract2025@gmail.com if you do not receive a confirmation.
- There shall be 2 categories for paper and poster presentation. Junior category upto 40 years of age and senior category 40 years of age and above.
- There shall be 3 prizes in each category. Judges decision will be final and binding for all.
- In case of any technical difficulty in sending abstract, suggestions or queries kindly mail to amogsabstract2025@gmail.com or call Dr Kalpana Gulwade (Paper & Poster Incharge) 9822460491.
- Last date of abstract submission 31st December 2025 (18:00 IST)
- Kindly note that posters will be in Electronic Form ONLY.
- Electronic poster (E-poster) presentations are similar to traditional poster presentations, but presented on a large computer screen (42"LCD displays in the Landscape position).
- Whether traditional or electronic, a well-constructed poster is self-explanatory, achieving both coverage and clarity.
- Presenting Author MUST be a registered delegate of AMOGS 2025 Conference
- Each delegate will be allowed to present one paper OR poster.
- The E-poster will be displayed on standard 42"(Diagonal) LCD.
- File format should be Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT/.PPTX)
- Total size of the presentation should not exceed 10MB.
- Maximum number of slides per E-poster: 2 (Two)
- All slides should be in landscape format
- Animation/movies/sounds will not be supported; please submit in a static PPT format only
- It is suggested that font size of text should be at least 28 points. The typeface chosen should
- be a simple and clear one (e.g. Helvetica).
- Please also carry a soft copy with you in case of any technical hitches.
- There shall be 2 categories for paper and poster presentation. Junior category upto 40 years of
- age and senior category 40 years of age and above.
- There shall be 3 prizes in each category. Judges decision will be final and binding for all.